#cmc11 I'm still thinking about Stephen Downe's discussion about connectivism. He certainly uses terminology differently than I've sued it previously. But, what he says makes lots of sense. Think of learning a language- one can memorize words, but, unless someone has made the connections through immersion, one can understand very little from a real conversation.
I mentioned my improving at Scrabble from practicing on my ipad app. I could spend days studying new words with little effect on my score. That's because studying a dictionary does not provide learning in s connectivist way.
I do think there are connections bewteen connectivist learning and deep learning.
Here's another example- one of my first jobs was working with hearing impaired students at the National Technical Institute for the Deaf. Is sign language a visualization of connectivism? In a research project I did, we interviewed some students using ASL, not signed English. I was fascinated by how ASL uses space to connect ideas and things in physical space. If I relaxed and immersed myself in their language, I understood!
As I said in the chat box during the session, connectivism has lots of implications for assessment. I definitely need to reflect more on this aspect of the theory.
I mentioned my improving at Scrabble from practicing on my ipad app. I could spend days studying new words with little effect on my score. That's because studying a dictionary does not provide learning in s connectivist way.
I do think there are connections bewteen connectivist learning and deep learning.
Here's another example- one of my first jobs was working with hearing impaired students at the National Technical Institute for the Deaf. Is sign language a visualization of connectivism? In a research project I did, we interviewed some students using ASL, not signed English. I was fascinated by how ASL uses space to connect ideas and things in physical space. If I relaxed and immersed myself in their language, I understood!
As I said in the chat box during the session, connectivism has lots of implications for assessment. I definitely need to reflect more on this aspect of the theory.